Tuesday, November 05, 2013

THE TEA PARTY'S DEAD? 10-to-1 Spending Advantage Plus Obama-Funded Faux Libertarian Eke Out <1% Victory For McAuliffe

Congratulations, Virginia!

You just voted for Obamacare, gun control, illegal immigration, forced unionization, and massive tax hikes. Well done!

With all that said, Ken Cuccinelli just proved that the Tea Party, Constitutional Conservative, and Reagan Coalition is still alive and well. Consider what Cuccinelli very nearly accomplished:

He appears to be trailing Terry "Sign Here, Old Man" McAuliffe by less than one stinking percentage point despite:

• Being outspent by a 10-to-1 margin

• A fake "Libertarian" candidate funded by Obama donors

• Being blitzed with outrageous, lying robocalls

• And an RNC that spent next-to-nothing to help

The fake Libertarian drew nearly 7 percent of the vote. Had the story regarding this SOB's true backers broken a week ago (brilliant research job, media drones!), Cuccinelli would've won in a landslide despite the spending disadvantage and a RINO establishment that undermined his efforts from the get-go.

I'm greatly encouraged by these results.

RCP and all of the so-called experts predicted a 7-point margin for Terry "Fund My Green Energy Company" McAuliffe.

Despite all of the sleaze and criminality, Cuccinelli very nearly pulled off an immense upset.

The Tea Party ain't dead, but the RINO establishment may be.

Hat tip: BadBlue News.


spathy said...

Thanks for the upbeat thoughts. But its still disgusting that a paid for plant could pull off such a disgusting tactic.

Jefferson Ohio said...

The apathy, ignorance and flat out stupidity of many, many Americans paints a picture of why we are, where we are.

Bigus Macus said...

A Carpet Bagging New Yorker bought and paid for by a New Yorker. He's Mike Bloomberg boy. A sad day for the Commonwealth of Virginia

Anonymous said...

RM Burn is correct. The people who actually voted for Sarvis are mostly lofo voters on the right, and whatever tactic used to try and pierce the bullshit matrix is not working. Expect more fake libertarians based on this result.

Anonymous said...

I'm more encouraged by our gains in the VA Assembly (which the R's NEVER controlled prior to 1999). From 53 (of 100) to 67 seats (don't think we ever broke above 54 before). We'll see if McAuliffe can implement his threat to expand Medicaid over the oppositon of the Assembly or not.

Here's a question though: The 100 Assembly districts are roughly equally populated, thanks to redistricting just a couple years ago after the census. How is it we can have 67% of the districts, yet only 50% of the state senate and 0 for 2 on US Senators?

How is it you can win 67% of the Assembly in the same election that you fail to win the governorship? Against a guy who's whole life story consists of being a con man and rent-seeker?

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable-Terry McAuliffe???? What in the world could they be thinking?

sTevo said...

We have been Ross Perot-ed again.
Rope-A-Doped by Obama Sponsored Plant.

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened in Ma. With Cadillac deval, and Charlie Baker. A third party candidate ( independent ) Cahill stole votes that would have won it for Baker.
Cadillac muzzle lover won. Cadillac's best political friend is none other than the ass in the WH.

Walt Hutchens said...

As sent to the RNC and my own R. Member of Congress:

"Congratulations, Virginia! You just voted for Obamacare, gun control, illegal immigration, forced unionization, and massive tax hikes. Well done!"

You're welcome ... it was nothing, really. In fact most of us VA
Republicans didn't even bother to vote, so it really WAS no trouble to us at all.

Ken Cuccinelli is the real deal: a conservative, a decent man. Unfortunately for all of us he's a REPUBLICAN so he can't speak clearly about why he should be elected -- I mean that problem seems to be genetic with Republicans. And of course as a conservative he also gets it in the other ear: Establishment Republicans hate him too. The
national party did next to nothing for him. Imagine if THEY had dumped
in $5 million or more, or gotten any of the top conservatives in the
party to tour major population centers here?

It's impressive that we came so close with the phoney libertarian
eating several times the number of votes needed to win, but you know
what? The tactic works and if the national Republican Party doesn't
get off its fat ass and both embrace and figure out how to articulate conservative values we are already at the point where the R's will never control either house of congress or win the White House.

Establishment Republicans are a dying dinosaur: There are few votes
there, there will never be any more, (how many young republicans do you know who were turned on by John McCain?) and there are NO PEOPLE WILLING TO KNOCK ON DOORS FOR THESE IDIOTS. Either the RNC embraces the conservative message, finds and backs those candidates, and figures out how to talk the talk, or it's going to be loss after loss into irrelevance.

Not that Republican irrelevance is likely to matter much in the U.S.
of A. of twenty years hence. There's no particular reason to even think we'll be holding national elections then, with all the really bad stuff we're ignoring because REPUBLICANS ARE STUCK IN THE 1950'S WITH COUNTRY CLUB CANDIDATES so the Democrats can eat our Constitution, our economy, and our national security. Economic collapse? EMP attack? Just plain ol' nuclear war? Who knows?

Right now our party is sitting back hoping that Obamacare will hand them scores of House and Senate seats in 2014. Maybe they're right but what if we get martial law instead? If you, dear reader, can't think yourself onto that path via the likely actions of a pathological narcissist as President, you need to try harder. This is not your father's USA and we need something a whole lot smarter than your father's Republican Party.

John Cahill said...

Update the chart, that one was with 95% of precincts reporting.
At 99.4% the margin was 3%.

I come from MA and Anonymous is correct, that idiot Cahill was a lifelong Democrat. Suddenly, finds his calling as a independent, flush with lots of sudden campaign donations.
Duvall was a pre-release version of Obama. An unqualified and inexperienced social worker that after the election had no control over the legislature. Who proceeded to write their own ticket.

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

So basically they stole it just like Obamaos second election.

Running a spoiler is tampering with elections in my book. Libs are the lowest life forms. Even lower than earth worms.