Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Harry Reid's Plan D: "None of the Above"

In Nevada, voters can actually choose a non-candidate named None of the above on their ballots.

With Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's popularity slipping to a disastrously low 40% in his home state, Democrat tacticians appear to have launched Plan D.

Plan A, of course, was to ride the popularity of ObamaCare, Porkulus, TARP and 15% unemployment in Nevada to an easy victory. After 17 seconds, the Democrat brain-trust switched to Plan B.

Plan B attempted to paint Sharron Angle as an extremist tea-bagger who wanted to slash the size of government so that it would live within its means. After about 12 minutes, Democrats realized that approach might be a problem as well.

Plan C was designed to cleverly split the conservative vote by introducing a fake Tea Party candidate. After a long weekend, that bizarre plot imploded with the expected splash-back on the guilty Democrat coordinators.

The current plan, codenamed 'Plan Delta', is to concede that Reid is wildly unpopular. Seeing as how "None of the Above" is a valid ballot choice, Reid is intentionally marketing that selection as a logical alternative.

If that doesn't work, Plan E is, of course, the Democrats' traditional modus operandi: use illegal immigrants, ACORN-style vote fraud, felons, deceased voters and other Democrat stalwarts to swing a 400-vote victory, a la Al Franken.

Bottom line: support Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate now and we won't have Harry Reid to worry about much longer.

I call that Plan F Harry Reid.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.

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