Saturday, April 10, 2010

Photo Essay: Hitler learns that all of the copies of his bunker video weren't destroyed per his orders

Dammit, I'm gonna keep flogging this one until someone says it's funny!

I got carpal frickin' tunnel syndrome from all of the cutting and pasting, for heaven's sake!


Mark Allen said...

It's only funny when it's in video form, no matter the subject.

Anonymous said...

I liked it, and sent the link to some friends.

MOTUS said...

I spend my days and nights serving the American people, reflecting the circus performances here in Big White.

I know funny.

And this is funny.



The Sesame Street generation our public schools have created need complete entertainment execution, with special effects, in 30 seconds or less, with no application of imagination or effort (ie. reading of math).

This is Hitler FGS...In a John Edwards' time machine...

I don't care who you are, that's funny!

And I'm not just following Larwyn's orders...

although I would...