Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robert Gibbs: Even if I have to personally break into the Smithsonian with a blowtorch and burn the Constitution, we will pass health care this week

Memo to Democrats: you'll get the Constitution from us when you pry it from our cold, dead hands. The Hill reports:

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the healthcare bill will pass by next weekend.

“We’ll have the votes when the House votes, I think, within the next week,” Gibbs said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Gibbs added that those on next week’s Sunday talk shows “will be talking about healthcare not as a presidential proposal but I think as the law of the land.”

President Barack Obama will look to campaign on the new healthcare law in midterm elections, Gibbs said.

“We believe healthcare reform is going to pass, and once it passes we’re happy to have the 2010 elections be about the achievement of healthcare reform,” Gibbs said.

I never, in my wildest imagination, thought that the Democrat Party would take it this far. That they would move so far to the left that even Hugo Chavez is stunned.

If you have any way to get to the Capitol Building, join the march on Tuesday to stop the slaughter of the U.S. Constitution.


Anonymous said...

The Constitution has been a dead eagle for several decades, now.

Issues like this and others over the last two or three years are just additional nails in the coffin. We've enjoyed an outward form of a constitutional government without enjoying the freedoms and liberties guaranteed in that document.

The question we must all ourselves: "What am I going to do about it?"

Marches, emails, phone calls, letters, protests and town hall meetings haven't changed a thing. In spite of everything we've done, our political class has refused to listen to us or to heed our words.

At the current rate, it is not foolishness to state that it won't be many months or years until your neighbors and family members will begin to disappear in the night. It is a part of the progression of tyrannical governments throughout history.

For three centuries, my ancestors, my family, have gifted me with the heritage of freedom. A gift bought with with their blood.

What price are you willing to pay for your own freedom?

Anonymous said...


azlibertarian said...

Personally, I'm hoping that Gibbs does "break into the Smithsonian to take a blowtorch" to the Constitution.

You probably knew this, but Gibbs, maybe not so much: The Constitution is at the National Archives.

I take your point though.