Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Protocols of the Elders of ______

Dan from New York writes:

Jews -- all 12 million -- are often accused of being at the root of the world's troubles. This is ridiculous on its face, a canard only a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Pat Buchanan or a Noam Chumpsky believe anymore. (Oh, did I mention Barack H. Obama?) But the idea of a universal troublemaker holds more than a grain of truth, even if Jews don't fit the description. For that, the honors belong to the Muslims.

I was reminded of that this morning when an obscure new trouble spot suddenly appeared in the news: "Unrest in the far-flung Chinese city of Urumqi."

Seems the "riot-torn" city's Han Chinese and the Uighurs are in the midst of a little squabble which so far (officially) has killed over 150 people. What most of the news organization never mention, though, is that the Uighurs are MUSLIMS trying to turn their turf into a separate state. (Ring a bell?)

Add this ado to earth's other hot spots like Darfur, "Palestine," Iran, South Lebanon, Afghanistan, Chechen province in Russia, Côte d'Ivoire, Mindanao Island (Philippines), Somalia, et. al., and you start to notice a pattern. One, no Jews in sight. And two, while the NY Times may not want you to know, adherents to Islam are so often an essential part of the mix.

A mere coincidence, or could it be true: The Protocols of The Elders of Islam?

Allah Hallavah!

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