Sunday, July 12, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: The War Against Society's Producers

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


"Michigan could hit 20% jobless thanks to Obama": Norwood
Fear of Rationing: Slate
FCC sets stage for censoring talk radio: CNS

Cantor rises as Obama falls: PJM (Simon)
The Only Reason for the Second Amendment: Scipio
ACORN sues two states over voting forms: Courthouse

Everybody Hates the Teachers' Unions Now: Kaus
ObamaCare == General Motors: Kesler
Going Galt over Obamacare: SIGIS


The War Against the Producers: PJM (Hanson)
CIT Bankruptcy To Crush Middle America?: Zero Hedge
Economic Credulus: Crittenden

Robert Reich: PWNT: Charlie Foxtrot
Universal Health Care Economy: Next Right
End of the road for many GM and Chrysler lawsuits: LAT

Stimulus: Bush vs. Obama: BizBlogger
Innovation after Obamacare: TigerHawk

Climate & Energy

96 months left to save the planet: Steyn
Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global Governance': Depot
Exxon Shale-Gas Find Looks Big: WSJ


Marines Pour Into Afghanistan: Denver Post
'We want him to rule all African countries': Independent
If there's nothing morally wrong with it...: BlogProf


How much damage did the Times do?: Power Line
AP: Jobless Rate Slows (But Hits Record): S&L
MSNBC: Obama critics "racist" for noticing booty-check: GWP

ABC News Spins on Obama's Check-Out: Ace
CNN hosts gets a smackdown: NewsBusters
Palin, the MSM Death Spiral, and the Gestapo: MoneyRunner


The Top Eight Reasons America Kicks Ass: Spike
Calorie restriction can make you live a very long miserable life: BlogProf
The Seven Types of Employees You Meet at Best Buy: Gizmodo

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